❏ Identify common symptomology related to Down’s Syndrome.
❏ Recognize role of occupational therapy in a community-based practice setting.
❏ Demonstrate understanding of relevant client-centered intervention plan that is supportive of occupational performance.
❏ Recognize how hippotherapy supports occupational performance.
❏ Demonstrate understanding of the differences between hippotherapy and therapeutic riding.
❏ Identify commonly used evaluation tools appropriate for assessing baseline performance skill level in children seeking hippotherapy services.
❏ Recognize funding sources for hippotherapy services.
❏ Complete point-of-service electronic documentation.
❏ Demonstrate understanding of who can provide hippotherapy services.
❏ Write relevant individual-centered goals.
❏ Document client progress.
❏ Recognize therapeutic-use-of-self elements as demonstrated by master clinicians.
❏ Demonstrate understanding of the hippotherapy evaluative process including parent/child interview, physical skill assessment, and mounted evaluation.
❏ Demonstrate understanding of the collaborative OT-OTA relationship during provision of hippotherapy services.
❏ Recognize the process and value of interviewing child and parent.
❏ Interpret evaluation data to inform occupation-based intervention planning.
❏ Recall use of and clinical reasoning for direct interventions that include occupations and activities, preparatory methods and tasks, education, and training.
❏ Recall the use of Occupational Therapy Practice Framework terminology.
❏ Recognize the evidence, purpose, and implementation of preparatory and occupation-based interventions.
❏ Identify the purpose, process, and interpretation of data collected from multiple evaluation tools.
❏ Create intervention plan that increases client-centered occupational participation.