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  • ACOTE Standards

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By the end of this self-paced course, the learner will demonstrate foundational understanding of behavioral/ mental health evaluations and group intervention strategies from an occupational therapy perspective. 

Course Curriculum

    1. Elle Chart - History of Present Illness (HPI)

    2. Elle Chart - Requisitions

    3. Elle Chart - Precautions

    4. Elle Chart - Social History

    5. Elle Chart - Work/Education History

    6. Elle Chart - Past Medical History

    7. Elle Chart Review Questions Preparation

    8. Elle Chart Review Questions

    9. Clinical Pearl: Trauma-Informed Care

    10. Elle Assessment Selection

    11. Evaluation Planning: OTR Role and Recovery Model

    12. Documentation: Narrative Evaluation SOAP Form and Overview of OT Process

    13. Student Permission - AOTA 2020 Code of Ethics: Autonomy

    14. Elle Interview Preparation

    15. COPM-Guided Interview - Elle

    16. COPM-Guided Interview - Elle Questions

    17. Intro to Elle’s Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile

    18. Elle's Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile Questions

    19. Elle's Scored Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile

    20. Elle’s Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile Recommendations

    21. Elle’s Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile Review

    22. Elle's Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile Review Questions

    23. Documentation

    1. Marcus' Chart Review Preparation

    2. Marcus Chart - History of Present Illness (HPI)

    3. Marcus Chart - Requisitions

    4. Marcus Chart - Precautions

    5. Marcus Chart - Social History

    6. Marcus Chart - Work/Education History

    7. Marcus Chart - Past Medical History

    8. Marcus Chart Review Questions Preparation

    9. Marcus Chart Review Questions

    10. Marcus Assessment Selection

    11. Note-Taking Instructions - Marcus

    12. COPM-Guided Interview - Marcus

    13. COPM-Guided Interview - Marcus Questions

    14. Intro to Marcus’ Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile

    15. Marcus’ Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile Questions

    16. Marcus' Scored Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile

    17. Marcus' Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile Recommendations

    18. Marcus' Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile Review

    19. Marcus' Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile Review Questions

    1. Intervention Planning: OT –OTA Collaboration and the Guidelines for Supervision, Roles, and Responsibilities

    2. Clinical Pearl: AOTA 2020 Code of Ethics - Intraprofessional Relationships

    3. OTR –COTA Collaborative Discussion

    4. OTR –COTA Collaborative Discussion Questions

    5. Secure Electronic Exchanges Between OTR and COTA - Guidelines for Indirect Supervision

    6. Group Preparation: Kawa Model Review, Outline and Handouts, and Guidelines for Supervision

    7. Group Preparation: OT Evaluation Review and Guidelines for the Delivery of OT Services

    8. Safety Considerations Prior to Group

    9. Supplies Needed for Group

    10. Group Behavioral Observation Form

    11. Kawa Group - Introduction

    12. Kawa Group - Introduction Question

    13. Kawa Group - Ice Breaker

    14. Kawa Group - Ice Breaker Questions

    15. Kawa Group - Sensory Considerations

    16. Kawa Group - Sensory Considerations Questions

    17. Kawa Group - Main Activity

    18. Kawa Group - Main Activity Questions

    19. Kawa Group - Discussion

    20. Kawa Group - Discussion Questions

    21. Kawa Group - Wrap Up

    22. Therapeutic Use of Self Activity

    23. Kawa Group - Wrap Up Questions

    24. COTA SOAP Note and OTA Responsibilities related to Outcomes

    25. Clinical Pearl - COTA Co-signature Documentation Requirements

    26. Future Group Ideas and Plan

    1. Completion Checklist

    2. Summative Exam Preparation

    3. Summative Exam

    4. ClinEdWeb Elle and Marcus Case Scenario: Simulation Effectiveness Tool -­‐ Modified *Leighton, K., Ravert, P., Mudra, V., & Macintosh, C. (2015)

About this course

  • $55.00
  • 76 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Meet Your Instructors

COTA Annie Koshar

Annelise (Annie) Koshar is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant who has worked in forensic behavioral health for the State of Wisconsin since 2016. She became a Certified Peer Specialist in 2018. She is passionate about eliminating the stigma associated with mental health and substance abuse issues, and takes care in combining occupational therapy and lived experience to provide meaningful interventions for individuals recovering from severe mental health challenges.

OTR/L Sarah Clemons-Wagner

Sarah Clemons-Wagner is a licensed Occupational Therapist who has specialized in Behavioral Health for over 17 years. Sarah worked in acute inpatient behavioral health and with several community mental health organizations. She recently transitioned to home health where she continues to provide holistic care. Her passion is to increase quality of life through education and empowerment.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this case scenario, learners will be able to:

❏ Identify the guidelines for supervision, roles, and responsibilities of the COTA and OTR during delivery of services

❏ Apply AOTA 2020 Code of Ethics to the OT-OTA collaborative process

❏ Recognize the value of the OT-OTA collaborative relationship

❏ Glean salient information from a chart review

❏ Identify safety elements related to behavioral/mental health treatment (i.e. sharps, proxemics, confidentiality, de-escalation)

❏ Identify terminology and common symptomology pertaining to Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

❏ Demonstrate understanding of basic tenets of trauma-informed care

❏ Demonstrate understanding of basic tenets of the Recovery Model

❏ Demonstrate understanding of the Kawa Model

❏ Demonstrate understanding of occupational therapy role with psychotropic medication management

❏ Identify commonly used evaluation tools appropriate for assessing baseline performance skill level in behavioral health setting

❏ Demonstrate understanding of documentation commonly used in behavioral health settings (i.e. Behavioral Observation forms, Evaluation and Progress SOAP notes)

❏ Recognize how to prepare for a group treatment

❏ Recognize demonstration of therapeutic use of self

❏ Hone observation skills

❏ Recognize how OT practitioners connect clients’ participation and performance in life skills group to occupational performance.

❏ Develop evidence-based written group treatment plan

❏ Recognize how OT practitioners use clinical reasoning to develop individual-centered goals from a COPM-guided interview

❏ Demonstrate understanding of the evaluative process, scoring, and documentation of the Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile

❏ Demonstrate understanding of the connection between data obtained from Sensory Profile and development of goals and intervention strategies

❏ Demonstrate understanding of the evaluative process and documentation of a COPM-guided interview

❏ Interpret evaluation data to inform occupation-based client-centered treatment planning 

❏ Recommend treatment interventions that include environmental modifications, occupations and activities, methods and tasks, education, and training grounded in occupational science

❏ Recognize and demonstrate use of evidence-informed treatment (Group Treatment Plan)

❏ Identify and recommend direct interventions to support safety, function, and access in home and community environments

ACOTE Standards Addressed:

The following 2018 Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) Standards are addressed in the “Elle and Marcus” Case Scenario.

Standard Number
Standard Definition
Evidence of Standard Met
Fieldwork in Behavioral Health or Psychological and Social Factors At least one fieldwork experience (either Level I or Level II) must address practice in behavioral health, or psychological and social factors influencing engagement in occupation.  Case scenario practice area is behavioral health with individuals with DSMV diagnoses. Treatment by an OTR and COTA who specialize in behavioral health practice
C.1.8. Qualified Level I Fieldwork Supervisors Examples include, but are not limited to, currently licensed or otherwise regulated occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, psychologists, physician assistants, teachers, social workers, physicians, speech language pathologists, nurses, and physical therapists.     Virtual supervisors are an OTR and COTA who specialize in mental/ behavioral health practice
C.1.9. Level I Fieldwork

Ensure that Level I fieldwork enriches didactic coursework through directed observation and participation in selected aspects of the occupational therapy process, and includes mechanisms for formal evaluation of student performance.

Level I fieldwork may be met through one or more of the following instructional methods:

• Simulated environments

• Supervision by a fieldwork educator in a practice environment

All Level I fieldwork must be comparable in rigor.

    Simulated virtual interactive case study requires observation of an OTR/COTA and includes mechanisms to evaluate student learning and performance as evidenced by passing score on summative exam and e-documentation completed during the case scenario.
B.3.2. Interaction of Occupation and Activity Apply, analyze, and evaluate the interaction of occupation and activity, including areas of occupation, performance skills, performance patterns, context(s) and environments, and client factors.

    OT Initial COPM-guided Interview and Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile completed in this scenario to develop occupation-based goals

    Completion of case scenario formative assessment and documentation of behavioral observations

B.3.4 Balancing Areas of Occupation, Role in Promotion of Health, and Prevention Apply, analyze, and evaluate scientific evidence to explain the importance of balancing areas of occupation; the role of occupation in the promotion of health; and the prevention of disease, illness, and dysfunction for persons, groups, and populations.     Group Treatment Plan requires scientific evidence that is supportive of treatment plan that supports occupational engagement
    Clinical pearls provided with evidence-based articles related to trauma-informed care, Recovery Model, and Kawa Model
B.3.5. Effects of Disease Processes Analyze and evaluate the effects of disease processes including heritable diseases, genetic conditions, mental illness, disability, trauma, and injury on occupational performance.

    OT Initial COPM guided Interview, and Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile

    Completion of Case Scenario Formative assessment

    Completion Certificate: Passing score on summative assessment

B.3.6. Activity Analysis Demonstrate activity analysis in areas of occupation, performance skills, performance patterns, context(s) and environments, and client factors to formulate the intervention plan

    Group Treatment Plan 

    Completion of Case Scenario Formative assessment

    Completion Certificate: Passing score on summative assessment

B.3.7. Safety of Self and Others Demonstrate sound judgment in regard to safety of self and others and adhere to safety regulations throughout the occupational therapy process as appropriate to the setting and scope of practice. This must include the ability to assess and monitor vital signs (e.g., blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory status, and temperature) to ensure that the client is stable for intervention.

    Throughout the case scenario the user is alerted with visual and written prompts about safety concerns such as use of sharps in group treatment, confidentiality, key pass, proxemics, and de-escalation strategies

    Completion of Case Scenario Formative assessment

B.4.1. Therapeutic Use of Self Demonstrate therapeutic use of self, including one’s personality, insights, perceptions, and judgments, as part of the therapeutic process in both individual and group interaction

    Practitioner in the case scenario models therapeutic use of self (TUOS)

    Successful completion of TUOS learning activity

B.4.2. Clinical Reasoning Demonstrate clinical reasoning to evaluate, analyze, diagnose, and provide occupation based interventions to address client factors, performance patterns, and performance skills

    Chart review

    OT Initial COPM-guided Interview and Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile

    Assessments addressing client factors, performance skills, and performance patterns

    Occupation-based interventions addressed in case scenario are based on results of assessments performed such as Life Skills group

    Completion of  Electronic Group Treatment Plan

    Completion of Case Scenario Formative assessment

    Completion Certificate: Passing score on summative assessment

B.4.3. Occupation-Based Interventions Utilize clinical reasoning to facilitate occupation-based interventions that address client factors. This must include interventions focused on promotion, compensation, adaptation, and prevention

    Observation of Occupation-based intervention: Life Skills Group 

    Completion of  Electronic Group Treatment Plan

    Completion of Case Scenario Formative assessment

    Completion Certificate: Passing score on summative assessment

B.4.4. Standardized and Nonstandardized Screening and Assessment Tools Contribute to the evaluation process of (OTA) or evaluate (OTR) client(s)’ occupational performance, including occupational profile, by analyzing and selecting standardized and non-standardized screenings and assessment tools to determine the need for occupational therapy intervention(s). Assessment methods must take into consideration cultural and contextual factors of the client. Explain the importance of using psychometrically sound assessment tools (OTA) or Interpret evaluation findings of occupational performance and participation deficits (OTR) to develop occupation-based intervention plans and strategies. Intervention plans and strategies must be client centered, culturally relevant, reflective of current occupational therapy practice, and based on available evidence.

    OT Initial COPM-guided Interview and Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile

    Chart review

    Completion of  Behavioral Observation Form 

B.4.5. Application of Assessment Tools and Interpretation of Results Select and apply assessment tools, considering client needs, and cultural and contextual factors. Administer selected standardized and nonstandardized assessments using appropriate procedures and protocols. Interpret the results based on psychometric properties of tests considering factors that might bias assessment results (e.g., culture and disability status related to the person and context).

    OT Initial COPM-guided Interview and Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile

    Chart review

    Completion of  Behavioral Observation Form 

    Completion of Case Scenario Formative assessment

    Completion Certificate: Passing score on summative assessment

B.4.6. Reporting Data Collect, analyze, and report data in a systematic manner for evaluation of client and practice outcomes. Report evaluation results and modify practice as needed. (OTR) or  Under the direction of an occupational therapist, collect, organize, and report on data for evaluation of client outcomes (OTA)

    OT Initial COPM-guided Interview and Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile completion

    Completion of Behavioral Assessment Form

    Completion of Case Scenario Formative assessment

    Completion Certificate: Passing score on summative assessment

B.4.7. Interpret Standardized Test Scores Interpret criterion-referenced and norm referenced standardized test scores on the basis of an understanding of sampling, normative data, standard and criterion scores, reliability, and validity.

    Completion of  ACLS Form

    Observation of the Medbox Task Assessment

B.4.8. Interpret Evaluation Data Interpret the evaluation data in relation to accepted terminology of the profession and explain the findings to the interprofessional team     OT Initial COPM-guided Interview and Adolescent/ Adult Sensory Profile
    Completion of the formative assessment questions (Occupational Therapy Practice Framework terminology is intentionally embedded in questions and answers)
    Completion Certificate: Passing score on summative assessment (Occupational Therapy Practice Framework terminology is intentionally embedded in questions and answers)
B.4.9. Remediation and Compensation Design and implement intervention strategies to remediate and/or compensate for functional cognitive deficits, visual deficits, and psychosocial and behavioral health deficits that affect occupational performance.     Development of Group Treatment Plan based on observation and evaluation data
B.4.10. Provide Interventions and Procedures Recommend and provide direct interventions and procedures to persons, groups, and populations to enhance safety, health and wellness, and performance in occupations. This must include the ability to select and deliver occupations and activities, preparatory methods and tasks (including therapeutic exercise), education and training, and advocacy.

    Completion of Case Scenario Formative assessment

    Completion Certificate: Passing score on summative assessment

    Completion of  Electronic Group Treatment Plan

B.4.15. Technology in Practice Demonstrate knowledge of the use of technology in practice, which must include: • Electronic documentation systems     Completion of Electronic Assessment and Treatment Forms
B.4.18. Grade and Adapt Processes or Environments Assess, grade, and modify the way persons, groups, and populations perform occupations and activities by adapting processes, modifying environments, and applying ergonomic principles to reflect the changing needs of the client, sociocultural context, and technological advances.

    Observation of Life Skills Group – adapting processes

    Completion of Case Scenario Formative assessment – specific questions about group grading


Consultative Process

Demonstrate, evaluate, and plan (engage for OTA) the consultative process with persons, groups, programs, organizations, or communities in collaboration with inter- and intraprofessional colleagues.

    OTR-COTA collaboration is demonstrated within the case study via video and documentation (email exchange); student learning is assessed via formative and summative exam questions

B.4.21. Teaching–Learning Process and Health Literacy Demonstrate, evaluate, and utilize the principles of the teaching-learning process using educational methods and health literacy education approaches: • To design activities and clinical training for persons, groups, and populations. • To instruct and train the client, caregiver, family, significant others, and communities at the level of the audience.

    Practitioner in the case scenario models clinical training for person receiving services with health literacy considerations

    Group Treatment Plan


Effective Intra-professional Collaboration

Demonstrate effective intra-professional OT/OTA collaboration to: 

• Identify the role of the occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant in the screening and evaluation process.

    OTR and COTA in the case study demonstrate OTR/COTA
Ethical Decision Making
Demonstrate knowledge of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics and AOTA Standards of Practice and use them as a guide for ethical decision making in professional interactions, client interventions, employment settings, and when confronted with personal and organizational ethical conflicts.
    Specific clinical pearls address AOTA 2020 Code of Practice with formative and summative questions addressing these standards of practice

ACOTE Accreditation Standards adapted from:

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