Fieldwork Educators Training: Estimated time to complete - 4 hrs.
This online self-paced certificate course is designed for Fieldwork Educators, and can be used for CEUs.
What did you learn about your supervisory skills?
"I was able to learn about the different types of supervision and which ones are more ideal to facilitate student growth. This helped prepare me before taking on my first FWE student".--Fieldwork Educator
“One major thing I learned is that I need to adapt my supervision skills based on multiple factors with some examples including my students learning style & comfortability. I hope to develop a more transformation approach overtime”. --Fieldwork Educator
“I learned that I have a situational leadership style approach to supervision. My approach can change between different styles when taking into consideration the skill level and experience of the student and the setting”. -Fieldwork Educator
Do you feel more prepared to navigate challenges that may arise during fieldwork? How?
"Yes, I feel more prepared regarding my supervisory skills and conflict management. I appreciated how the course provided materials and links to sources so that we can reflect upon our current skill set".--Fieldwork Educator
“Yes, I do feel more prepared having a better understanding at how to provide constructive and supportive feedback. The course did a good job outlining different examples of this”. --Fieldwork Educator
“I feel more prepared to navigate some of the more difficult challenges like providing constructive feedback (6 step process to effective communication) and managing conflict (Ten steps of effective conflict management). I appreciated the real life scenarios”. --Fieldwork Educator
Do you feel more confident in your fieldwork educator skills after completing this course? How?
"Yes, I feel more confident in my FWE skills and feel less nervous about taking my first FW student. I appreciated how the course provided real-life examples of how to handle conflict management".--Fieldwork Educator
“Yes, I feel more confident. I was very pleased with the information the course provided, along with the simulated real-life scenarios”. --Fieldwork Educator
“Yes, this course provided multiple resources and ways to approach the more difficult aspects of clinical supervision of fieldwork students”. --Fieldwork Educator
The Fieldwork Educators Training course was developed in collaboration with Fieldwork Educators and Academic Fieldwork Coordinators to provide support for enhancing supervision of OT and OTA fieldwork students.(ACOTE Standard C.1.8) After completion of this training, the Fieldwork Educator will demonstrate understanding of supervisory styles, theory, and practice skills, effective feedback techniques, conflict management tools, student well-being, cultural humility, and be provided with resources related to fieldwork supervision. Fieldwork Educators will receive a Certificate of Completion that can be used for CEUs. Content access is 120 days from date of purchase. Contact us today for details!
Please scroll down to review the Instructors, Course Curriculum, Learning Objectives, and Accreditation Standards Addressed
"Over the years I have been so impressed with your ability to streamline many tasks and or challenges AFWCs face!" --MOT Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
"Wow! You are adding so many helpful aspects for AFWCs!" --OTD Academic Fieldwork Coordinator/Associate Professor
Level I Fieldwork Educator Requirements
Level II Fieldwork Educator Responsibilities and Requirements C.1.13., C.1.14.
The Effective Supervisor - An Overview
FREE PREVIEWSupervisory Styles
Developmental Theoretical Model of Supervision
Effective Occupational Therapy Supervision Programming
The Intentional Fieldwork Education Model
Models of Fieldwork Supervision
Learning Styles and Preferences
Task Based Design
Learning Differences
Team Personality and Work Style - The DISC Assessment
Role Competencies of a Fieldwork Educator
Supervision Worksheet
Supervisory Skills Quiz
Effective Feedback Defined
FREE PREVIEWSix Step Process to Effective Communication - Step 1
Six Step Process to Effective Communication - Step 2
Six Step Process to Effective Communication - Step 3
Six Step Process to Effective Communication - Step 4
Six Step Process to Effective Communication - Step 5
Six Step Process to Effective Communication - Step 6
Reflective Supervision
Receiving Feedback
Feedback Wrap-Up
Supervisor Feedback Worksheet
Feedback Quiz
What is Conflict Management?
FREE PREVIEWFour Types of Conflict
Options for Managing Conflict
Ten Steps of Effective Conflict Management
Conflict Management Quiz
Case study - Introduction
Midterm (April 15)
Student-Supervisor Weekly Conference Summary (April 21)
Student-Supervisor Conference Summary Quiz
Student Email Communication to AFWC (4/21 - 4/22)
Student Email Communication (4/21-4/22) Quiz
Student Phone Conversation with AFWC (4/24)
AFWC and Student Phone Conversation Quiz
AFWC Reaches out to Student for Updates (4/30)
Communications AFWC, Student, FW Educator (5/2 - 5/3)
Communications AFWC, Student, FW Educator (5/2 - 5/3) Quiz
Communications (5/6 - 5/7)
Remediation Plan Request and Guidance (5/9)
Initial Remediation Plan
Case Study Wrap Up
Student Well-Being Introduction
FREE PREVIEWMindfulness for Healthcare Professionals - Review the Evidence!
Mindfulness Techniques and Tools for Student Well-Being
Mindfulness - What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness - Why Practice Mindfulness?
Mindfulness - How Can We Cultivate Mindfulness?
Mindfulness Quiz
Meditation - What is Meditation?
How Does Meditation Effect the Body?
Meditation - Types of Meditation
Meditation Quiz
Breathwork Techniques for Pursed-Lip Breathing and Box Breathing
Breathwork Quiz
Journaling Education Quiz
Chair Yoga - What is Chair Yoga and What are the Benefits?
Chair Yoga Quiz
Building Support for Student Parents
Student Well-Being Wrap-Up
Cultural Humility vs. Cultural Competence
FREE PREVIEWPrivilege and Power
Biases in Health Care
Cultural Humility Quiz
Resources Introduction
Commission on Education Guidelines for an Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Experience
Starting a New Fieldwork Program
Fieldwork Educator Requirements
Interview Questions for Potential Fieldwork Students
Weekly Level II Fieldwork Expectations/ Schedule
Fieldwork Learning Objectives/ Site Specific Objectives
Midterm Feedback Form
Learning Contracts - Pathway to Student Success
Exploring Fieldwork Educator Development: Preparation Methods and Support Tools
AOTA Self-Assessment Tool for Fieldwork Educator Competency
Mapping Review of Fieldwork Education Literature
Discussion Forum Questions
Summative Exam Preparation
FREE PREVIEWSummative Exam
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
1. Recognize role of occupational therapy fieldwork educator.
2. Demonstrate understanding of effective strategies to integrate learning theories into fieldwork education.
3. Recognize personal and effective supervision styles.
4. Articulate the distinction between learning styles and learning preferences.
5. Apply Task-Based Design into fieldwork education.
6. Describe learning differences and impact on fieldwork education.
7. Illustrate role competencies of a Fieldwork Educator.
8. Explore evidence-based strategies for student well-being.
9. Demonstrate understanding of cultural humility in fieldwork education.
10. Integrate resources into your fieldwork education program.
11. Articulate best practices for effective feedback.
12. Explore strategies for effective conflict management.
Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE®) Standards
C.1.8. Demonstrate support for enhancing supervision (e.g., materials on supervisory skills, continuing education opportunities, student well-being, cultural humility, and articles on theory and practice).
C.1.13 Prior to the start of the Level II fieldwork the student must be supervised by an occupational therapy practitioner who is:
• Adequately prepared to serve as a fieldwork educator.
• Currently a licensed or otherwise regulated occupational therapist.
• Has a minimum of 1 year full-time (or its equivalent) of practice experience as a licensed or otherwise regulated occupational therapist prior to the onset of the Level II fieldwork.
Students completing Level II fieldwork outside of the United States are supervised by an occupational therapist (regardless of title) who graduated from a program accredited by ACOTE, approved by WFOT, or otherwise regulated in the country in which the students are completing fieldwork. The fieldwork educator must have at least 1 year of experience in practice prior to the onset of Level II fieldwork.
C.1.14.Ensure that Level II fieldwork supervision is direct and then decreases to less direct supervision as appropriate for the setting, the severity of the client’s condition, and the ability of the student to support progression toward entry-level competence.
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Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than printing or downloading resources provided, i.e. initial evaluation forms for your personal and non-commercial use only.
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Links and photos provided within the course materials are for informational purposes only. No endorsement of processes or products is intended or implied.